Dr Tadhg Lynch

Consultant Pain Specialist
My Pain Treatment Philosophy


Through years of treating patients with chronic pain, I have an understanding of how each patient is a person with individual needs. Every patient is entitled to an explanation of what is causing the pain. This is called a diagnosis. Sometimes this explanation is easy to find, for example, scarring in the spine after an operation to remove a bulging disc (Failed Back Surgery Syndrome/ Post Laminectomy Syndrome) . Sometimes the explanation is more difficult for example increased pain sensitivity in the nerves suppling a limb that has been injured (CRPS Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome). Or chronic widespread pain due to increased pain sensitivity (Central Sensitization and Wind Up).

A diagnosis is made with a combination of listening to a patients story (history including   medical questionnaires, referral letter and letters from other treating clinicians eg GPs, specialists, physiotherapists), physical examination and appropriate investigation.

I will do my best to provide you with a diagnosis and treatment. Treatment may be advice, medication, injection therapy (intervention), referral to other clinicians eg other specialists, physiotherapy or a psychologist. Self Management and Exercise is very important. Living healthily, eating well, exercising and maintaining psychological health are the key to getting better. This takes effort, especially when you have pain. In many cases being afraid of moving due to pain creates a cycle of de-conditioning and reduced physical function. With chronic pain it is vital to focus on improving function instead of just on reducing pain. Daily exercise is my best advice.

Appropriate medication and intervention can give good relief to many patients with chronic pain. Particularly when combined with pain management which includes physiotherapy/exercise and psychological therapy.

I will not prescribe strong morphine based medication except in very exceptional circumstances. Strong morphine medication (strong opioids) have no evidence of benefit in chronic pain and are harmful. I will not repeat steroid injections if they are not working for a prolonged period.

If you would like to make an appointment for a consultation please contact my secretary Ann (Kilkenny) or Gwen (Dublin). Injections also available in Galway once a month via www.gpcare.ie

Multidisciplinary Team

People suffering with chronic pain often benefit from multidisciplinary care including physiotherapy and psychology. Physical exercise is very important in improving function and wellbeing. A physiotherapist is the ideal person to advise on the correct exercises to help rehabilitation. Maintaining psychological health is also really important as chronic pain can affect your mood. Meeting a psychologist to learn techniques to help recognise and manage how your mood and thoughts can interact with your feelings can be of great help.
Dr Elizabeth Ryan

Dr Elizabeth Ryan

Senior Clinical Psychologist


Jennifer Dillon

Jennifer Dillon

MISCP Physiotherapist and Yoga Teacher (Kilkenny)


Ann Ryan

Ann Ryan

Aut Even Secretary

Tel: 056-7775281

Fax: 056-7817111


Gwen Jackson

Gwen Jackson

Blackrock Clinic Secretary

Tel: 087 162 1868

Fax: 01 901 1783


Satu Pelser

Satu Pelser

Pain Nurse (Kilkenny)


Aut Even Hospital, Freshford Road, Kilkenny City, Ireland.

Contact Ann in Kilkenny (056)7775281

Contact Gwen in Dublin (087)1621868

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